Look, regardless of our party affiliations, we're all pretty pissed off right now. Suffice it to say both sides of the political fence have done their fair share of damage to this great country and to evenly share the blame, we, the American citizenry, have allowed it to go on far too long. Politicians in Washington are thrilled that we're all bitching and moaning at each other because it keeps the heat off of them. Instead we need to press, brow beat and bitch slap, if necessary, our elected officials because it is their privilege, not their right, to represent us and because of that they have a tremendous responsibility to US! We don't serve their needs, they are here to serve ours. At what point did we forget that? Don't let them tell you it's the other guy's fault. Right now it doesn't matter who's to blame. What matters is righting the ship that has gone aground. Go and read Harry S. Truman's autobiography, Plain Speaking. Here was one president who understood that when it comes to politics, the role of the president was not to sit on top of the pyramid. His role is to stand at the bottom of the INVERTED pyramid because being the president means to be the ultimate servant to your country.
To paraphrase another quote from the movie, I think our politicians are more worried about their jobs rather than doing their jobs. Enough complaining and finger pointing. It's time for everyone, all of us, to go to work.
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