Ok, after 314 posts it's probably pretty clear to many of you that my 365 Photo Blog is stretching the criteria of posting a new photo every day. I do take pictures every day, some I don't always share. There are certainly challenges, especially on days like today. Cold, gray skies with snow flurries. The trees are bare and most all vegetation is dead and brown. So my photos may not be all that captivating but I at least try to keep things creative. That would kind of explain what I've shared today. As I was out running this morning I was thinking about how this day will unfold and nothing on my agenda seemed remotely interesting. It was at that moment a thought crossed my mind.
"There are no ordinary moments, no ordinary days".

I"m not sure who originated that phrase but it really resonates with me. We all have those days that can be described as mind-numbingly boring or other days that seem to try our souls. But none of these days are ordinary and the moments we experience every day are unique even if they seem like we've experienced them before. Think about the beach. Think about the waves that crash upon the shore. In many ways they're all just the same but if you ever stop for a moment and watch each wave as it rolls in, you'll quickly realize how unique each one is. No two waves are ever the same because so many things affect their appearance. The tide, the wind, the sun, the formation of the beach, there are dozens of things that make each wave unique and because of that uniqueness you could say that each wave is perfect. So why not look at life the same way? The events of our day may seem mundane but each is unique and perfect in it's own way. So many things affect our days as well. What we see, what we hear, what we feel all influence our perception of the world around us. So don't ever think there's nothing special going on in your day. As long as you're a part of it, your day is always special.
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