No matter how things turned out for you during these elections, for me I can honestly say the best thing I experienced throughout this long and arduous process was that we Americans are still a pretty passionate lot. Even over the years of being numbed to one thing or another, we can still get our dander up over those things we feel are important to us. I love the fact that my circle of family and friends come from such diverse backgrounds and have very strong beliefs and are not afraid to express them.

I will say it was a real challenge this time trying to pick the right leader for our country. I think both candidates brought some good ideas to the table that would certainly help our current predicament. But they also brought a lot of crap as well. I'm not against a party system but the one we have has morphed into something that offers very few real choices for Americans. It's an all or nothing proposition. It's like going to a fast food restaurant and only having two meals to choose from and there are no substitutions. Why can't we have our politics A la cart? If there was another candidate that had the positive qualities of both the Romney and Obama platforms I think we would've seen much different results in last night's election.
I suppose that as long as there's big business and big bucks driving these elections we'll continue to struggle with putting a viable leader in the White House. Let's face it, the candidates are just figure heads to something much larger and perhaps more sinister. I just wish I knew who or what it was so I'd know where my vote was really going. But in the mean time, it warms my heart to see my friends and family so passionate about their country and about their rights. Not a lot of other countries can boast this kind of patriotic fervor.
It's nice that these elections only happen once every four years. Heck, we should consider holding them every six years. The online rants and ravings will finally come to an end and we can go back to focusing on the more important things like sharing those "must share" Facebook posts or risk going to hell. You know, I guess the day when we become apathetic about our county is the day we no longer call ourselves Americans. Here's to the fight in all of us!
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