And it's not just singing. I'm the best seated dancer you'll ever find. Shakin' dat booty down the freeway, baby! Never mastered the air drums but my air guitar skills are beyond compare. Over the years I've refined my technique of driving with my knees so I can rip through the guitar solos of "Free Bird" and "Enter Sandman". Now if only I had the big hair, then my car-driving, rock star persona would be complete. Yeah, they REALLY need a suburbia version of American Idol. If for no other reason than to give us wanna-bees an opportunity to show case our wicked, albeit delusional, skills.
Oh, and just a side not to all you radio stations that claim to be "Classic Rock". If your menu of songs includes anything from Cheap Trick, John Mellencamp or Rush or if the only song you play by the Eagles is "Hotel California", then turn in your Classic Rock card and change your format to something like farm reporting or talk radio. You've soiled the name of "Classic Rock" long enough. To be a true classic rock station you must have the courage to take those old LPs, flip them over, and play the awesome B side songs that were more often than not better than the "popular" songs of their day.
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