You opened the door and I wouldn't say your eyes were throwing me daggers but they certainly had the look of unbridled disappointment. You stood there with your matted hair, black rimmed glasses and baggy t-shirt, focusing all your disgust towards this intruder who was looking to take a spot in your mother's heart, a spot you owned all your life. No "hello", just a glare. A long, silent glare. Heck, I don't think you even blinked. You figured the flowers I brought were for your mom, some lame cliche gift of affection from another would be boyfriend. I couldn't tell at the time but rumor has it that when I presented them to you, you were actually surprised and just a little bit pleased. Hey, I knew any and all paths to your mother's heart would go through you. For the next few months the glares shortened in length and intensity. But I did heard on more than a few occasions, "Ugh, he's here AGAIN?!" Ah, who doesn't like to hear that? (wink)

That was almost nine years ago and we've been on an amazing journey ever since. I've seen you go from a gawky 12 year old to a very beautiful, intelligent and independent young woman. Even though we've only been a family for a short time I can't imagine a life without you. One of my favorite memories of you was at the wedding. The ceremony was over and we just wrapped up the part of the photo session with you and Sam. That image of you and Sam running through the sand to get to the limo just so you guys could plow through the champagne is one of my more cherished moments. You've had some difficult times in your life, some challenges that many other kids never had to endure but you've made it through them all stronger and more determined. I know you doubt yourself from time to time and that's ok, we all do that. But don't ever lose sight of the fact you are an amazing young woman with so much to offer this world.
Nicole, you've been such a blessing to me. I can't wait to see how life will unfold before you. I know good fortune lies ahead of you. So no matter where life takes you, always know in your heart that I love you. You are my special little angel.
Much love and Happy 21st Birthday!
(aka, Evil Step-Father)
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