Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 152: Yummy 2.0...

Ok, I have to give another shout out to my two favorite cupcake angels, Christina and Chantel of Chantilly Lace Bake Shop.  We just got another delicious delivery this morning of what can only be described as the world's best cupcakes.  Take it from me, they put the "Excel" in EXCELLENT!  I like to think I'm a pretty decent photographer but I wish I could capture these delights in such a way so that you could almost taste how good they are.  Hmm, maybe I should try scratch and lick.  I wonder how many folks I could dupe into licking their monitors?  :-)

Just a side note, don't EVEN think of asking me to share.  There's only so much generosity to go around and when it comes to these cupcakes, the cup stops here!  So all you Denver Metro folks, get off your collective butts and order some cupcakes.  Do it for yourselves, do it for your families.  Do it for America!

Visit Chantilly Lace Bake Shop on Facebook or on the web or give them a call.  They aim to please and they hit the bulls-eye every time!

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