Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 128: "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'"

One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, Shawshank Redemption

If you aren't living your life, I'm here to tell you someone else will.  And guaranteed, you won't like it.  A perfect example, the "victim".  We all know them.  They constantly complain about how bad their lot is.  They're always quick to tell you how they've been wronged, how life is so horrible and nothing ever goes their way.  I'm here to tell you those people have surrendered living their lives and the world around them is calling the shots.  It's human nature to seek out and create our own destinies.  If you aren't actively doing that, then who's doing it for you?

It's ok to complain.  It's ok to lash out.  It's ok to feel sorrow and remorse.  But eventually you need to act.  Eventually you need to make a decision on how you're going to move forward from this difficult situation.  It's certainly well within your rights to remain in that place of discontent and resentment, feeding off of the bitterness of some wrong doing.  Just keep in mind you're no longer in charge.  You're giving yourself over to someone else's energy and your life will be nothing more than a ping pong ball rattling around inside a box.  But if you just make that conscience choice to take charge of your life, look at the situation before you and say "I'm gonna beat this.. I will overcome.", you take a powerful first step in creating a better life for yourself.  And you know what?  You don't need to have a well laid out plan as to what direction you need to go.  Just move.  Eventually you'll find your path.

So get busy livin', fight the good fight and take charge!

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