Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 124: Last meal...

Warning.  Melodrama alert....

So in preparation of my impending "deep dive" (aka colonoscopy) I'm forbidden from consuming any solid foods after 7:00AM  this morning until after my "Fantastic Voyage" Friday.  "Fantastic Voyage", hmm, now if Raquel was my doctor.  Sorry, I digress.  This magnificent feast represents the last of the food I'll be eating for awhile.  Damn, prisoners in solitary do better than me.  At least they get bread and water.  I only get water but we both get violated against our will.  Yeah yeah yeah, I get it.  It's a necessary evil.  It's a healthy choice.  Yeah, whatever.  It's still a misguided periscope that belongs anywhere but my nether lands.

But I'm going through with it.  I have to.  I've been challenged to man up from several folks that like to remind me I've never given birth to a child nor endured "monthly madness".  So bring it.  Let's do this.  Time to bend over and take it like a man!

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