Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 180: An exercise in meditation...

I recently discovered this in a book a dear friend of mine sent me.  If you're considering meditation, read this first.  It'll help get you in the proper frame of mind so you can experience and enjoy all the benefits that meditation has to offer.

“Sitting quietly, feel what sits there.
Explore this body you sit in.
Observe the scintillating field of sensation we call the body.
Notice sensation’s wordless quality.
Its sense of simply being humming throughout the body.
Go within sensation to that subtle presence by which the sensation is known.  Feel the sensation within sensation.
Settle into that sense of being, of aliveness vibrating in each cell.
Rest in being.

Just sit quietly and know.  Let awareness sink into itself.
Know what knows.
Experience directly that sense by which you imagine you exist.
Enter it wholeheartedly.  Sit in the center of that hum.
Does it have a beginning?  Does it have an ending?
Or is there just a sense of endless being, unborn and undying?
Don’t ask the mind, which always limits itself with definitions, ask the heart, which cannot name it but always is it.
Rest in being.”

“Original Face Contemplation”
Stephen Levine

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