Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 172: Back to the salt mines...

Well I guess it's that time to start packing things up and head for home.  It's been a great few days up in the mountains.  I'm really going to miss those early morning walks through the woods with Sophie.  Can't get over how great all three pooches were, even when we left them up in our room for a few hours while we hung out at the pool.  Speaking of pool, you'd think a person that's had melanoma twice would've thought to put on sunscreen.  Nice burn.  Dermatologist won't be all that thrilled.

It was a lot of fun exploring the different hiking trails around this area and I think relaxing by the creek, enjoying a simple picnic lunch was definitely the high point.  Can't wait to come back up here in September!

My spirits are up, my head is clear and I'm ready to take on what lies ahead back home and at work.  Now, if we could just get a little rain, PLEASE!

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