Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6: Thank God for Alternatives...

Go figure!  Just six days into the new year and my laptop decides to go on vacation.  I've been struggling over the last couple of days with my laptop thanks to Microsoft's recent patch.  Long story short, my laptop takes longer to boot than the evolution of man.  So I'm freaking out that I'm going to miss my daily blog (I'm sure you all are just as panic stricken).  But thanks to the wonder that is the iPhone and this old Apple laptop, I'm able to meet my daily dose of Guten gab.

Now you're probably wondering what the hell does the "Jack" sign have to do with my daily blog, well sit back and be enlightened.  Julie and I had to run some errands this afternoon down in Denver and because I-25 turned into a long parking lot, we decided to take surface streets back home.  On the way we saw the restaurant "Jack and Grill" and decided to check it out.  Again, another long story short (I know, too late), we met a great bartender, had a couple of incredible margaritas and discovered a great, new eating establishment.

So what's my point?  The point is what was planned for today didn't quite turn out.  But what DID turn out were the new opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have presented themselves if things had turned out as planned.  So when things don't turn out the way you hoped, be thankful for the things that come in their place.  At the moment you feel like going off on a piss fit, stop and ask yourself "what did I gain from this?"  Sure, it may not be much but, then again, it could be quite a lot.  Allow yourself the opportunity to explore the alternatives.

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