Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 355: A moment of clarity...

I think one of my most favorite Christmas memories was coming home from a Christmas Eve service back when we lived in Heidelberg.  We weren't quite ready to go to bed and no amount of haggling with my parents was going to get me any closer to opening presents so we decided to turn on AFN (Armed Forces Network) and see what was on.  Some old black and white movie called "It's a Wonderful Life" was about to come on and to say I was less than enthused was an understatement.  I'd been dying to see "White Christmas" or "Rudolph" but unfortunately this lame black and white film was all there was.  Remember, back then AFN was a single station with nothing but OLD reruns and week old sporting events.  So anyways, I grabbed a pillow and hunkered down on the floor to try to make the evening pass more quickly.  Like many of you that are fans of the film I was immediately captivated by the story and characters.  I couldn't tell you what I got for Christmas that year but I do remember sitting around our little TV watching this movie with my family and coming away with such a tremendous feeling of joy. 

I know that over the years this movie has been played to excess.  I remember not long ago they played it several times a week throughout the month of December and there was such a backlash that the following years they resigned to only show it once, period!  Well most of us diehards have the DVD so we can see it as much as we want.  It's unfortunate, though, that there are so many that don't like the movie.  I think the excessive play time really ruined it for many.  It's too bad because there's an amazing message there that we all need to hear from time to time.  Regardless of all the crap that's happened to us over the years we've had a pretty amazing life.  And don't forget, YOU have been an amazing addition to the lives of so many others.  I know it's hard to see especially when you're faced with one obstacle after another and you continually see opportunity slipping away.  But life would have a little less color, a little less warmth, a little less joy if YOU were not a part of it.  You have family and friends.  You have no idea how much brighter you've made their lives just by being YOU.

It's easy this time of year to feel down.  Perhaps life hasn't played out quite the way you wanted.  But forget about the "might have been's".  Look closely.  If you stop for just a moment and think upon what you have and all that you've experienced, not only do you have a wonderful life, you ARE that wonderful life and we are all the richer because of you.

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