Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 341: Sweatin' to the small stuff...

I know we're not suppose to sweat the small shit and everything is small shit but you do have to like those days when all those little things work out in your favor. On the way to the airport this morning I hit every green along the way. There was a parking space right up front. Surprisingly there was NO ONE at the ticket counter except several ticket agents, each beckoning me to their counter. It wasn't until I got to the Einstein's bagel stand seeing no one else in line did I begin to think I was in some Twilight Zone episode where I was the last human on earth. I'll need to make sure I don't break my reading glasses.
Not sure how the rest of this trip will turn out but for now it's looking pretty good. But even if there are hiccups during my travels I'll at least appreciate the good things that happened and not sweat the small poo along the way.
Hmmm, dare I even hope for an upgrade??

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