Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 94: Not so fast...

"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"  - Mark Twain

And so it goes.  As much as I wasn't completely set with saying goodbye to winter, I will admit I was enjoying the spring and summer like conditions over the past couple of weeks.  Temps have been dancing around the low 80s.  The local nurseries and home improvement stores have been buzzing with customers (and bees), everyone trying to get a jump on all the necessities to ring in the spring season.  But not so fast!

One piece of advice I got from the locals when we moved here, "Never plant ANYTHING before the 1st of May."  Sage advice.  As tempting as it's been, with all this sunny and warm weather, I've heeded the warning and looked the other way when passing through the garden shop isles, ignoring all the pretty flowers and plants as they tempted me to bring them home.  But I will say it's still hard to believe that one can experience a day in the low 80s, only to be followed by a snowy, wet day in the upper 30s.  Good thing I showed some resolve.

So here comes the snow in all it's white and wonderful glory.  Guess I'll sit back for another 30 days before I start planting anything.  I know this kind of crazy weather annoys some but I have to admit I'm diggin' the chaos.  Remember, I spent 20 years in So Cal and rarely witnessed any significant change in the weather.  Seasons were marked on a calendar instead of any natural event you'd see outside.  Hot one day, cold the next.  Bring it on, bring it all!

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