Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 103: Coming home...

Being able to travel is one of the nice perks of my job.  I'm not one of those insane road warriors that's gone three weeks out of four but I usually have somewhere to go once or twice a month which is plenty for me.  I would definitely prefer personal travel over work but even on business trips I can still manage to fill in a little time that's enjoyable and makes the hardships of business travel a bit more bearable.  But I tell ya, after a busy week, there's nothing like the feeling of coming home! 

Going home!  Your work is finally done.  You're in your hotel room packing up your things and thoughts of your familiar surroundings and comforts of home start to creep into your mind.  It's one of those rare times when the anticipation of coming home (see yesterday's blog) is everything you had hoped for and more.  For me it's the warm embrace of my wife, the slobbery kisses from my dogs, the comfort of my recliner and the solitude of my "man cave" (pictured above).  It's that wonderful assurance and contentment you feel getting back INTO your comfort zone.  Your mind and body relax and all the pressure and stress of the past week seem to dissipate, if only for a little while. 

We all enjoy a good coming home.  Whether we're returning from somewhere or someone is returning back to us, it's all good!  It's fun to see the posts from friends on Facebook, sharing in their excitement of a loved one coming home.  A son or daughter returning home from college or a military deployment.  Mother and new baby returning home from the hospital.  Even family members coming back home for the holidays, which is usually followed a few days later by those family members happy to be going back to their own homes.  To this day I still carry the fond memories of my dad returning home from Vietnam and the excitement we ALL shared having the family back together, safe and sound. 

So here's to routines.  Here's to the familiar.  Here's to the "same o' same o'".  Welcome home!

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