Most of us grew up singing the jingle "stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Powerful words that were intended to empower a young child to not sink to someone else's level over a war of words. Sure, words can be hurtful but only if we allow them. It's your choice. Really, if someone wants to attack you verbally, screw 'em. What's the point of dignifying their tirade by engaging in an exchange of "colorful metaphors"? You can call me what you will. I personally think nothing of you so hop on your pathetic, little soap box and have at it. I've got more important things to do than to listen to you.
Alright, you're probably wondering what set me off. I just read a story on the internet that said a number of people have expressed "outrage" over the ad for the upcoming season of "Mad Men". It shows the character, Don Draper, falling from a building, supposedly reminiscent of the "falling man" image that was captured during the 9/11 attacks. Mind you it's the same image that's been used by the TV show since it's inception in 2007. Of course the whiners are saying it's insensitive to the survivors and families of the 9/11 victims.
At what point did we stop singing the "sticks and stones" song? America was founded on the grit, thick skin, determination and guts of men and women who weren't affected by verbal (or in this case visual) attacks. We've become a society of emotionally frail children. We cry foul when we've had our feelings hurt. Lawyers today are making a fortune on cases that really boil down to someone calling someone else a name. No one stands up for themselves any more because they're not expected to. We make concessions and excuses for all types of poor behavior and poor performance. And instead of creating a society of compassionate and loving people, we've created this United Day Care Center of America consisting of whining, screaming children hell bent on immediate gratification.
Let's admit it, we've evolved into a nation of weak minded, weak willed babies suckling on the teat of
entitlements. Somehow we've become a society that believes all things come to us NOT from hard work but through entitlement. I'm
here to tell you there is only one thing you're entitled to and that's
the fundamental respect afforded to all living beings. But respect as a person, as a leader, as pretty much anything MUST be earned. Just because you've
been on the job for the past five years doesn't entitle you to a
promotion, let alone a raise. Just because you show up to practice
doesn't entitle you to any playing time on the field. Not every kid plays. Not every kid passes. We've swung the pendulum so far the other way that we've become overly sensitive to every little feeling someone has. You can't push the young people any more because their sense of self-worth may be affected so let's not keep score and let's not issue grades, and let's not establish levels of performance.
Now if you've watched "Mad Men" you'll know it's pretty much an HR nightmare. Sexual harassment, ethics violations, infringement on some basic civil rights. I'm not saying we should go back to that era (although who wouldn't want Joan as their secretary?). But if you watch, you'll see there are some characters that play the victim but more importantly there are others that have decided to rise above the office crap and make something of themselves. It's that same determination that built the railroads, the same determination that sent men to the moon. This isn't a problem that needs to be solved by a bunch of glad-handing, ass slapping politicians. This is a problem that needs to be resolved by each and everyone of us. Not him or her. I mean YOU and ME!
Earn your keep.
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