So at what point does perseverance become insanity? Albert Einstein (not to be confused with one of the bagel making brothers) defined insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I suppose if you aren't happy with the results then you'll definitely want to change things up. But what if the outcome of your efforts provide some results but aren't apparent or just not in the manner one would expect? Many of us go to the gym to achieve a level of physical fitness. If you're a regular at a gym, I'm sure you've seen those folks that go to the gym just as much as you but over the past year you've noticed very little change in their appearance. Speaking for myself, sure I want to be fit but going to the gym is also very much a therapeutic thing for me. It takes a lot of the garbage that's been floating around in my head and flushes it out of my mind. So even if you notice very little change in my appearance, you most likely will notice a change in my demeanor.

Same can be said for jobs, relationships or almost anything else you grind away at on a daily basis. Some folks may not understand what and why you're doing something. They may even call you crazy. Hey, if I had a nickle for every time someone called me that. The key here is for YOU to know why you're doing what you're doing. Be honest with yourself. Are you trying to persevere for something better you know is coming? Or are you just in a rut of misery that you don't have the courage to crawl out. Trying to get fit, outlasting a boss who's on his way out or helping a friend or loved one through a rough patch all take perseverance. But if you have no goal, no objective, no light at the end of the tunnel, think twice. You may be heading down the abyss into madness.
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