[SPOILER ALERT] No, Virginia, there's not a Santa, but prayers ARE answered, and sometimes just the way we want them. Thank you LORD! Thank you for watching over my niece and father-in-law during their surgeries yesterday. It was a stressful time for all. God must have been thinking, "Dude! Lighten up. Everything is going to be fine." Guess that's why He's in charge and I'm not. No words can describe how relieved I feel. I know both Hannah and Jim have some recovery ahead of them but I believe they're out of the worst of it. It's so hard to be apart from my Julie but it definitely worked out for the best, with me being here with my niece and her family and Julie there with her father. I'm so thankful to all of you who kept our family in your thoughts and prayers. Blessings abound and our cups truly runneth over. Here's to another glorious day and a speedy recovery to Hannah and Jim.
Side note: Just wanted to share a couple of pictures I took at the Children's Hospital in Denver. What a tremendous facility and what a wonderful staff. Alas, I have to send back the fisheye lens I rented. I know what I want for Christmas. :-)
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