I know it's old news but this thing with Senator Akin has really stirred a hornets nest with me. Seems odd that many years ago when there was virtually no mass media, the politicians of the day still took great pains to ensure everything they said and did in public was without reproach. Even our beloved Abe Lincoln, who typically used the "N" word in social conversations and even endorsed the deportation of all blacks in America, carried himself with dignity that commanded great respect and admiration. Today our "leaders" speak and act in ways that even an 8th grader would find embarrassing.

Todd, if you thought those comments were so regrettable, how on earth did you make them in the first place? Do our leaders have no filter? Even our very own Governor Hickenlooper made not just one but TWO very public and inappropriate sexual comments in one week. I just have to ask them the question, at what point did your comments make sense? And the other thing that amazes me is how quickly they both back tracked from their statements. In Todd's case you just don't change your mind willy nilly on something like that. It's like saying Hitler had the right idea and then a day later recant your statement by saying what a horrible crime he inflicted on humanity. Dude, those are diametrically opposing ideas that are rooted in your own moral character and belief system. To say something like "legitimate rape" is a reflection of your upbringing and educational background, not to mention your moral and ethical standards.
We like to throw around phrases like "zero tolerance" when discussing children's behavior in school and such. Why can't we apply that to our elected officials? Come on, folks. Once elected these clowns live a charmed life, full of perks and privileges none of us will ever experience unless we win the lotto. If we are going to indulge them so much why are we not saddling them with greater responsibility and a higher standard of conduct? Why do we consistently encourage such reprehensible behavior by constantly giving these spoiled little brats a second chance?
In Akin's case I think it represents a very dangerous situation in our government today where grotesquely incompetent people are running this country. Hey folks, Obama is just one man. It takes an army of idiots to do the damage that's been done to this country. When it comes to Akin you have two choices. One, he either truly believes what he said and only recanted because of political pressure. Or, two, he's completely out of touch and mentally and intellectually incompetent. In either case, he has no business being an elected official, or any kind of official unless except, of course, an official asshole. In that case, bubba, you won by a landslide.
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