Kinda makes me think that so many things in life are similar to that poor vine. The vines are intended to spread out across the entire deck to give us a bit more privacy. Quite a daunting task for such a little bush. But it's getting there. Just one little vine, one frail branch at a time. I suppose if I talked to the vine and said, "Hey dude, you need to cover this entire deck.", it would've responded with an emphatic "Oh, HELL no!" But if you look at life one little branch, one slat of wood at a time, the task before you isn't so insurmountable. Think of the big things you're facing right now. Can you break them down into "little wood slats"? Just run one mile. Go one day saying no to cigarettes or alcohol. Sign up for one class. Say "hi" to one person you cross paths. And after you do that, maybe do one more. If each day becomes "just one more", imagine where and WHO you'll be a year from now?
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