Life is all about learning and I learned a very valuable lesson recently. When someone pisses you off beyond the stratosphere, before you launch your own version of Armageddon, sit down and write this person exactly how you feel. Now, you can do this on paper or in a Word document on your computer. But NEVER, EVER draft a letter of this nature in an email because chances are at just that time the planets will be aligned, the Cubs will win the series, Kim K will join a convent and YOU will accidentally hit "Send". And just like with tactical nukes, there's no recall capability. Some of you might be familiar with the family drama that's currently shrouding the recovery efforts of my wife's father who's still struggling with the side affects of surgery he had back in August. The latest bomb that dropped was the final straw for me. I won't go into details here but it had something to do with restraining orders between a father and his children. I wrote a well worded, in my opinion, letter to this person who has done nothing more than create an atmosphere of deceit, suspicion, and resentment, splashed with just a smidgen of pure nasty. Sorry, my angst might be seeping back in but I've heeded the example set by my wife and decided to take the high road. Just writing the letter helped me get out all the anger I've had towards this person for all the damage she's done to the family. Writing the letter and walking away from it for a while has helped me to temper my emotions over something that's truly tragic, at least in my mind. So I'll keep the letter for now. If this blog ever gets turned into a book I might include it as some kind of attachment or appendix. But for now, that smart bomb will remain in my personal armory for future consideration in the event open hostilities break out. For if that day should come all I have to say is "CRY HAVOC! And let slip the dogs of war!"
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