No matter how much doom and gloom we might have in our lives, we'll always have, at least periodically, a day that can only be described as perfect. From the moment you wake up until you crash for the night, everything that happened that day fell into place as if by intelligent design or divine intervention. Your favorite songs played on the radio. Work was smooth and productive. All traffic lights were green. Your favorite foods were in abundance. And you were surrounded by good cheer and occasional laughter. On days like that you look forward to each new moment with excited anticipation rather than dread. It's definitely turning out to be one of those days. There have been just enough positive things to overshadow and obscure the other little things that could have otherwise turned me into "Captain Cranky Pants". It's true we create our own happiness but it's nice when you have days where you don't have to put that much effort into it. Hey, the rest of the day could possibly go south but right now the stars are aligned, the coffee is hot and life it running like a well oiled machine.
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