Years ago while visiting a friend in Bozeman, Montana I recall driving around looking at all those spacious farms and ranches and thought how great it would be working as a ranch hand some where. Getting up early, working all day, checking out the local saloon at night or sitting on your porch watching the sunset. Man, that kind of "simple" life would be such a welcome relief and certainly more rewarding then the desk job back home. So Sunday I got my first taste of ranch hand work. Certainly not easy but it was very gratifying. Julie is volunteering these days at a ranch that specializes in therapy through the use of horses. They help special needs children and adults basically through relationship building between the rider and the horse. Pretty amazing stuff. I think I'm going to join her on weekends. My volunteer work will be primarily fix-it, clean-it type stuff but I'll be getting a little "therapy" as well. Ever since I was a child I've a bit spooked by horses. They're gorgeous animals but incredibly big and strong and compared to them I'm pretty low on the food chain. Julie has already been helping me on how to approach them. It was pretty fun getting up close and personal, scratching their heads, rubbing their ears and patting them on the neck. I'm pretty sure they were much less impressed with me as I was with them. I'm really looking forward to getting back out there, mostly to help around the 10 acre property but also to get more comfortable with these amazing beasts. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be racing around the ranch, half naked, wearing war paint and shooting arrows at the stray cats. My Indian name will most likely be "Falls From Horse A Lot".

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