I'd say nearly all of us have pretty embarrassing photos of how we use to be. Youth was brutal for many of us. Struggling to create some kind of identity, trying out different styles and fashions in hopes of finding something that wouldn't make girls vomit or small children scream in fear. Everything from hair styles, clothing and mannerisms have all gone through changes over the years. Like Thomas Edison and the discovery of the light bulb, I didn't fail in developing my own style, I just found a 1,000 ways how NOT to be.

Over the years my hair style has gone through several revisions, most of them worse than the others. Everything from the "Prince Valiant", the "Stoner", and the "Helmet Head" (so named by my daughter). Don't believe me? Check out my Facebook page. You'll find several beauties out there. And you can always ping my sisters because they have a whole gallery of embarrassing photos of me that they like to display every now and then, just to let me know who's still boss.
Even my photography draws a few cringes from me. I had just posted a photo from my trip to Munich back in 2007. That's when I was shooting with my first digital camera, the Canon 20D. Loved the photos back then but now I look at them and I think "Eww!" We even have a couple of framed photos in the house that need to be retired, quickly!

I'd like to think as time has moved on I've become older and wiser (did you just get a little bile in your mouth?). My fashion sense isn't over the top but it's more appropriate for this "off the rack guy in a custom fit world". I've gotten better at photography but admittedly I have a ways to go. Unfortunately my fitness isn't what it use to be. I've packed on a "few" more pounds from my glory days and my running times are pretty pedestrian compared to those from the early '90s. But that's ok, I can live with that. So I hope I'm moving in the right direction. Not so much with the appearance thing but more so in my personality. I'd like to think I've gotten to be more compassionate, understanding and engaging but who knows? If nothing else, I just want to make sure I'm not always putting myself above others.
And if any of you ever see me holding a blow dryer, shoot me!
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