Have you ever been faced with a dilemma where if you made a decision to do one thing it might mean missing out on something else? I know, dumb question. Hey we've all been faced with tough choices in our lives but I doubt any were of the caliber of "Sophie's Choice" although you might think so given how paralyzed we sometimes are to make even the simplest choices. It's that gnawing feeling, "Man, if I do this then I won't be able to do that." Sound familiar?

My old college buddy and fellow "ROTC Nazi" use to suffer tremendously from what I call decisionious interruptous. He had and still has one of the most decisive military minds I've ever known but when it came to making personal decisions like where to eat, what girl to date, or what classes to take you couldn't get this guy to budge in any direction. Unfortunately many times the situations decided for him. The girl moved on, the classes filled and the rest of us went off to get a bite to eat. I have another very close friend who admittedly suffers from an inability to decide on what course of action to take. His biggest fear is that he'll miss out on something if he chooses one thing over another. It's the whole "grass is greener" syndrome.
If you live in fear of missing out on something I'm here to tell you that you already have. If you're afraid you'll miss something, eventually you'll miss everything. I'll overstate the obvious here by saying life is full of choices, full of risks. The cold, hard truth is that not choosing is the same as not living. Believe it or not every choice will eventually lead to some positive result. I'm sure that might sound crazy but just looking back over my own life and the choices I've made, they may have appeared to be pretty bad decisions at the time but all of them have led me to where my life is today and I wouldn't change that for the world.
Deep down inside we all pretty much know what we want. So be honest with yourself and go after what's important to you. Don't concern yourself with the woulda, coulda, shoulda's. Don't get distracted by others who have chosen a different path. If you don't commit to something for fear of missing out on another opportunity, you may not suffer failure but you certainly won't enjoy victory either. When it comes to your won life, "Take the con!"
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