Today I finally accomplished something that had been gnawing at me since the day we moved to Colorado and I was bitten by the 14er bug. I climbed Longs Peak! A last minute request from a friend and long story short I survived one of the more gratifying things I've ever experienced. We just got back this afternoon and to tell the truth I'm completely spent. I'll share more details later but for now just a couple of photos of the event. We started at just after 1:00 AM, finishing a little over 12 hours later. A special thank you to Jim for giving me the opportunity to join him on this challenge. And another special thank you to the wonderful people we met out on the trail, especially Joe and Courtney of Boulder. It's weird, I really don't know how to explain it but tomorrow when I drive out of my cul-de-sac and see Longs there on the horizon, I'll no longer look at it wondering "some day". From now on I'll look at that wonderful mountain and feel a permanent connection.
Just a few photos. The starry night sky over Longs Peak. That's my friend Jim working his way up "Homestretch" to the summit and the survey marker for Longs.
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