You know what? I'm over it. Take it. Take it all. Take my pledge of allegiance. Take my public prayer. Take the symbols of my faith. Take my Constitution. Take all the things that are an expression of my beliefs and convictions and just get rid of them. Put them in your burn barrel, I don't care any more. I'm sick and fricking tired of you overly sensitive people that are on a campaign to remove what you deem "offensive", all in the name of serving our community. Take it. Because the one true thing of value. The one thing you can't legislate or control is my soul.

You're on a quest to create a better citizen. One that fits a particular image you find acceptable. Anything outside of that is deemed offensive and must be removed in order to create a better society of mindless individuals who no longer possess the uniqueness that makes them special. You see uniqueness as the embodiment of evil. You're obsessed with dumbing down our schools to make things "fair". You insist on removing our religious icons and government emblems because they represent an unwanted influence. A man is ordered to change his license plate, after having it for over
seven years, because someone found it offensive. A father sues the
school district because his kid was expelled for cheating. People living on welfare for years, sustaining their indulgences and never once being held accountable to make a real living because, hey, their hardships aren't their fault. Whatever. Here's to your perfect society.
You're obsessed with taking away my choices. What I wear, what I eat, what I say. How I think. But the funny thing is you can't take me, my essence, my spirit. And that's what's killing you. Isn't that right Mr. Potter? My soul is like the Bailey Building and Loan that you so want to destroy but you can't. You try to legislate my life in hopes of controlling my will but you sit frustrated and angry because you constantly fail. Hey, don't stop. Keep doing what you're doing. I enjoy a good laugh. It's not often one gets to sit back and watch someone screw themselves with such vigor. Go on, take it all. Because you know the more you try to take, the less you actually have. The cup that holds my spirit remains full while your need to control
continues to slip through your fingers. I can stand naked before you, with no possessions to speak of, and I will still be richer than you. I will drown you with my faith. I
will drown you with my spirit. And all the while my cup remains full.
The conventional description of hell is one of fire and brimstone and eternal pain. Hell is actually living an empty, meaningless, bitter life and not knowing it. Good luck with that.
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