Ever have one of those days where you know it's just not happening. Everything just seems out of sync. You're just not hitting on all cylinders. Heck, you're not hitting on any cylinders. Nothing sounds appealing. Your favorite activities are a bore. You're hungry but nothing sounds good, not even your favorite foods. Whether you're doing something or nothing, it all just sucks.

To be fair it hasn't been a particularly bad day. No one sick, injured or dead. I still have a job and there are a few bucks in my checking account. Just not the kind of day I expected. If it was intended to be a lazy day, which is typically Sunday for me, then everything would be ok. But this is Saturday and there should be things to do. Back in the day I would've been swimming, riding and biking all over town. Nowadays I might still get in a run but would most likely be doing yard work or running errands with Julie. But not today. I had no energy for anything athletic and very little motivation or attention span to put any thought into running errands or working on stuff around the house. I knew I felt pretty tired but thought I could fight through it. Julie is quick to spot when I'm tired and has learned in our relationship if I don't get rest soon I turn into "Mr. Cranky Pants". (I'm named after my father). Hell even I don't want to be around me. God love her, she knows me well enough that she'll insist I go upstairs and just relax for a while. I took her advice, went up stairs to our room, fired up my Kindle Fire, loaded up Netflix and proceeded to fall asleep to one of my favorite movies (Excalibur - damn, Helen Mirren is smokin' hot!).

Well, the nap helped. It recharged my batteries just enough so I could take my girl, Sophie, to the Westminster Valley dog park to walk around and snap a few pictures. I got home, loaded up my pics into Lightroom and managed to find a couple that weren't outrageously horrible. I've got a cold Spaten in hand so I guess it all turned out kinda ok. I know tomorrow is a new day. Most likely won't be my typical lazy day. I still need to get in a long run in preparation for the Colfax Half. But after the run I think I'll just try to relax with my honey (Julie, not Sophie) and enjoy some peace and quiet before crawling back into the salt mines on Monday.
Happy Weekend, my friends!
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