I've always loved rain. In moderation, of course. Summer time is the absolute best. Hot all day long. Then in the late afternoon big, black clouds would come lumbering out of nowhere and within seconds it's Armageddon! I can remember as a kid thunderstorms use to scare the crap out of me but there was also something really exciting about them. Playing at the community pool, the first crack of lightning and the lifeguard would yell at us to get out of the pool. We'd try to sneak in one more dive from the high dive before we turned into a human lightning rod. Like we were cheating death or something.
Our first summer in Colorado we were treated to a light show fantastic nearly every afternoon. It was awesome how the sky would just explode! Of course our little dogs (this was pre-Sophie) would absolutely freak out. It's about the only time little Roscoe would hang out with me. That first lightning bolt and both dogs would scurry under my desk. Well, it must have been a realtor's ploy because the following two summers you'd think I was back in the OC. Nary a drop of rain even though ominous clouds would appear every afternoon. Today's been no different. No rain in the forecast but looking at the sky one would HAVE to believe the weatherman was wrong, at least this time.
Guess if I'm gonna want some rain I better channel my 1/32nd Native American in me and learn how to dance that rain dance. Hey, if you've ever seen me play Connectix you KNOW I've got me some mean dancin' skills!
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