They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. I guess you might call me insane every time I give Sophie a single treat, expecting that to be enough for her, only to have her continue to beg for more. Leave it to me to think a dog might have the capacity to reason and exercise restraint. Why not? They have the capacity to show affection, compassion and playfulness. They have the uncanny ability to sense when we're hurting and will remain by our side until we're better. Tell me they don't know that when they stare at you with those big brown eyes that they aren't trying to play on our emotions to get what they want. That would account for why Sophie can crawl up on our bed every night without objection from me. So why shouldn't they have the capacity to think "hey, John just gave me a bully stick, I really don't need that tortilla chip." Perhaps in a perfect world that situation might play out. In the meantime, I'll continue to succumb to those big, brown eyes!
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