Love it or hate it, Costco is an American institution. It epitomizes the American ideal - freedom of choice and abundance. Granted I don't think any of us need a five gallon jar of pickles but hey, to each their own. I'm not one to judge, sometimes. I think for the most part I like Costco, at least in terms of cost and choices. But as I've said before, I cringe when I think I have to go there. The over crowded parking, the mass of humanity drifting from one food sample table to another, the crying children, the meanderers, the checkout lines that defy the laws of time. It's all enough to drive you insane or at least propel you home for a nice, stiff drink. Too bad in Colorado the Costcos here don't sell jumbo size containers of vodka. But hey, this is America, anything is possible.

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