I don't think I ever attended a school that looked like this but I've attended some that seemed this creepy. Maybe it was just the teachers. Not sure how kids are today but I recall that a lot of us got pretty creeped out about school for the first couple of years. I can remember being terrified and just wanting to go home with my mommy. Funny that to this day I can still remember that first day, sitting in Kindergarten class, crying my eyes out. I was so scared. All those strange smells, all the books, the crazy little furniture, strange artwork all over the place. For some reason I thought I was never going to be able to go home, that I was trapped in this kiddie Shawnshank for all eternity. But the thing that snapped me out of this crisis was this fellow inmate sitting across the table from me, just going to town on a jar of glue. He was just scooping away with this tongue depressor (better known as a kid's spoon), putting gobs of clue in his mouth. I immediately stopped crying and just stared at this kid. I didn't know the word then but the intensity of my thought was "what the $%#@ is this kid doing?" Side note, I learned THAT word that next year and unfortunately for my parents, I acquired quite a talent for using it.
Glad those days are behind me. Now if only my work didn't creep me out so much...
i absolutely love this picture<3