So the question for me has been, if all these people and all these experiences have created this gift of life that I'm experiencing, am I such a gift in anyone else's life? And if not, why not? It's nice to buy that special gift for someone, spend the money on some really cool toy or gadget. But have I been more than that? The real gift is not the tangible object we give but actually BEING the gift. How you live and love and how you engage the world around you is the real, true gift. I am truly blessed with so many wonderful people in my life and so many wonderful and extraordinary experiences. I know some of you may read this and feel that it doesn't apply to you, that you have nothing to offer anyone. It may just be a story but the point is true...The little drummer boy had nothing to offer but a song in his heart and that was truly priceless compared to all the riches bestowed upon the baby Jesus by the three wise men. Gold gets spent, frankincense gets consumed, toys break, clothes wear out, technology gets antiquated, but the impact we have on each other is truly priceless. I couldn't begin to put a value on what my friends, family and even casual acquaintances are to me. Like George Bailey, he may have been broke but what he meant to those around him goes beyond words. There are a lot of George Bailey's in my life. I can only hope that I could be half as much to others.
So as we exchange gifts this Christmas day, tearing into that new camera equipment or gaming console or that jacket we've always wanted, remember that the real gift is YOU and the greatest gift we can give one another is each other.
Merry Christmas and God's blessings upon you and yours this day and always...
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