Any way, so today being my first day of vacation, why not spend it wrapping presents? I did call Kaiser first to see if they had any same day invasive surgery openings but unfortunately no so I was stuck having to "bust'a wrap" on some gifts. My issues with gift wrapping go all the way back to my childhood. I can remember as a kid asking my sisters to wrap my parent's gifts for me. The price was usually serving as their slave for a week which I readily accepted. I guess in hindsight the trade-off wasn't quite in my favor considering my gifts to my parents were usually only pencils or notepads. If I was feeling especially generous they'd get both. Even into my adulthood I would solicit the assistance of my daughter(s) to help with the task of wrapping gifts for their mother. At least I didn't ask them to wrap their own gifts although the thought had crossed my mind several times.
You'd think with my penchant for detail and methodical, painstaking approach to doing most anything I'd do well with gift wrapping. Nope, not even close. What usually takes a normal person who has marginal eye hand coordination minutes to do, it'll take me a solid hour to wrap a single item. And if you've seen any of my handiwork you would bet I was suffering through multiple seizures at the time. So today was no different and as expected it kinda soured me but only for a little while. The good-natured ribbing will certainly come Christmas day but at least I gave it the old college try. Perhaps I should've majored in gift wrapping instead of underwater basket weaving. Oh well, maybe next time I'll check YouTube for help.
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