Ok, Sophie is definitely MY dog.

I was up again at 0'dark 30 this morning. At that time there isn't much on TV with the exception of infomercials and really bad movies. Even the premium channels were sorely lacking anything with content. The only thing that looked remotely interesting was "2001: A Space Odyssey". Figured I might as well catch the last 30 minutes before moving on to today's activities. Now a little back story. My folks took me to see this movie when it first came out in 1970. I was eight at the time and the country was immersed in the whole Apollo moon missions. I remember thinking this movie was going to be so cool, all futuristic space stuff. Maybe some aliens, laser beams, star ships. Wow, I couldn't have been more wrong. Jumping monkeys, bones turning into spaceships, a black slab of metal, an old man lying in bed and a floating baby in space. What the hell? I pissed my dad off to no end, bombarding him with questions throughout the movie. You know I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon and not once did I see a floating baby. Needless to say I walked out of the theater completely frustrated and disappointed.
So, back to present time. As I'm watching the tail end of this movie, Sophie comes sauntering over to me by the couch. She plops down next to me, sitting in a very unlady like position and immediately starts watching the TV. Now she's not much of a TV watcher, not like Roscoe, but something obviously caught her attention. I look over at her and her eyes are just GLUED to the set. Just when the movie is getting really bizarre she tilts her head to one side, staring at the TV, completely oblivious to anything around her. If she could speak I know she would've said, "Uh, buhhh?" Oh my God, it was me 42 years ago! I couldn't help but laugh. I could just imagine she was probably thinking, "What the hell are you watching?! What's with the old man and floating baby?" Well, lucky for me she can't talk or I would've suffered the same fate as my father.
Thank you, Sophie, you've cured me of my funk from yesterday. Just when I think I can't love that dog any more, she goes off and proves me wrong.
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