Your prognosticating skills truly suck. Hell I bet the casinos must do back flips when you walk to the gambling table. "Put it all on double 0! Mama needs a new Doppler radar!" Remind me never to go gambling with you. Oh, and interrupting my TV viewing pleasure every five minutes to let me know about a potential down pour in a county that's three hours away isn't news worthy. You might as well tell me how things are in the swamps of Florida.
Maybe I'm being a little hard on you weather folks. We have pretty diverse weather conditions here in Colorado. The running joke is "if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes." This is the place where you can have golf ball size hail in the neighborhood less than a mile from you and clear skies right above your house. So sure it might be a little difficult to get the weather right. I'm not asking for a home run. I'm not even asking for a base hit but a foul ball every now and then would be nice. But let's not make a big deal over what you do. If yesterday was hot, there's a better than average chance that today will be hot too. Just because you predicted 96 and it turned out to be 96 doesn't mean you've cured cancer. Hot is hot.
So don't be hating on my history degree. As a history major I like to think I'm well versed in the human condition. At least I have a better understanding of why some folks are complete A-holes. Hey, I'm not judging. You're just a product of your history. Yeah, so history isn't a science but I would say that meteorology is certainly on the fringe of where science meets bullshit fantasy. I'm just sayin'.
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