I have to say there's nothing like being married to your best friend. I mean, she has to be. If we can sit together, side by side, driving across 2,200 miles of open country side and still enjoy each others company, we've got to be doing something right. Across all those miles, we talked about all kinds of things - the direction of our careers, the dreams we have for our kids, where we'd like to be in ten years. Heck, we even got into the conversations from some extremely right wing, ultra conservative talk radio show in Utah. No subject was off limits. It was just nice, being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. We stopped along the way to take pictures of interesting places, checked out little antique shops and even managed to enjoy a quiet, intimate night in a Super 8 Motel, of all places. To put it simply, it was like being on our honeymoon all over again (although back then we stayed in nicer places).

We fit like hand and glove. Yeah, we're different in a lot of respects but I do believe it's our differences that make us so compatible. She has strengths I'll never have and I've certainly come to depend on them. I'll be quite frank with you, of all the things a woman might seek in a man, such as wealth, good looks, education, being a good lover, and funny, I know I'm not on the top of her list in any category. But like a great decathlete I think I score well enough in each that it puts me ahead of the others. At least for now. wink! But in all seriousness, don't we all want someone that's well rounded in every aspect of life? I'm lucky enough that she's tops in every one of my categories.
I think the real key to the success of our marriage is our ability to be ourselves. I can be me, in all my quirkiness and eccentricities. She might give me an eye roll now and then but she really doesn't judge me. She just takes me for who I am. I don't think I've ever been in a relationship where that's been true. Not that I've been in many relationships. But think about it, how many of us have been in relationships were we were one way with our friends but another with our spouses or significant other? Sure, you can pull of that little charade for a while but eventually things will start to fall apart. Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that.
I'm truly blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. Life is an adventure and I'm so happy she's here with me through it all.
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