I'm convinced the true character and charm of our great country can be found in the small towns and villages that are off the beaten path. Sure there's much to be said and appreciated about our large metropolitan areas but I think the foundation of what made this country so great can be found in Small Town America. You look at some of these towns and you know the folks there have lived and are living a hard life. Not a lot of niceties and perks that we suburbanites take for granted but they still manage to make what they have their home. Strong, sturdy, dependable. American!
It would be easy for me to say I miss those days of struggle but then I'd be the first to start whining how tough things are. I'll admit it, I enjoy the good things that have come my way and I'm not about to arbitrarily give them up. But it's important to understand that those things came at a price. And that price was hard work, commitment and resolve. I'm fearful we, as a country, have lost our way. We've lost the virtues that helped create this great country. We're more concerned with Kim K's butt, or worshiping at the alter of Saint Seacrest. We've become a community of spin doctors, quick to tell stories of little to no substance, but boy it sounds important. What do we do? What do we make? What value are we? We should be asking these questions of ourselves and our leaders. If we aren't finding the right answers then we need to go find them. And I would guess we'll find them in small town America.
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