This day has finally come. This blog which has consumed me for the past year has now come to an end. It has been 366 days, thanks to it being a leap year, and it's been quite a journey. In many respects this blog has been like running a marathon. At times I cursed it and often I struggled to be creative and interesting all the while thinking why the hell did I allow myself to be talked into this. But as I come to the finish line of this endeavor I have to be honest in that I come to it with a great sense of gratification, relief and also a fair amount of sorrow. I learned a hard lesson many years ago when I trained for and completed my first marathon. Within days of completing that event I went through a pretty severe bout of depression mostly because everything that made up my life up to that point had come to an end. Similarly just as much as I wanted to finish this blog it saddens me to know a big part of my life is now done.

I will admit my ego got the better part of me at times. Trying to be overly creative in my photos or excessively profound in my rants only to realize I could be quite a tool at times. I've received many gracious compliments on my posts but I have to say I got so much more from you, the readers, than I feel I ever gave you. So many of you have been wonderful inspirations to me. So many great photographers, artists, and just plain wonderful human beings. During some of my difficult times this year I was renewed and strengthened by your positive outlook on life and no matter how dark my days had been you always managed to brighten my life with compassion and hope.
This blog, this experience, has been a tremendous blessing for me. Through many of you I learned a lot about myself and the world I live in. In many respects I think I've finished this year a better person than when I started and that's all because of you guys. I'm honored that you've read my blog and I'm humbled by the compliments you've given me throughout the year. It's kinda weird to think this has only been one year of my life but I think capturing these daily events has helped me to realize that we all have exceptional lives, that blessings come to us in so many subtle forms and if we really took time to examine who we are we would be pleased with what we found.
Jen, thank you for kick starting this for me although I'll admit there were times I grumbled your name. Jane, you've been my biggest fan and have encouraged me all along the way and I love you dearly for being a big part of my family. And my Julie, not only are you the love of my life but you truly are my inspiration. Your passion for life and your unconditional love for so many is something I aspire to emulate.
No matter how hard I tried, no words nor photos have ever been able to capture the depth and perfection of any given moment in time. It's only through participation in these experiences that the moment will become a lasting memory. And if this year and this blog has proven anything to me it's that there really are no ordinary moments, no ordinary days. This has been a year of milestones and firsts. I turned the big 5.0., I got my first tattoo, I ran the Mt. Evans Ascent and I climbed Longs Peak. I rekindled old friendships and made new ones. I feel I've grown in my art through the inspiration of other more gifted photographers and I've discovered a new depth to the significance of relationships with my family and friends.
I hope you've enjoyed this blog as much as I've enjoyed sharing it with you. I hope that I've been able to make you laugh, to think and most importantly, feel. If I've done that in any way then I'll consider this journey a success. Perhaps some of you may have gleaned a little inspiration from these posts or maybe this has all been nothing more than the ravings of a middle aged suburban madman. Regardless of the outcome it truly has been a journey and I thank you all for sharing it with me.
Happiest of New Years to you. May God's blessings be showered upon you and yours and may good fortune be yours this day and all days. Cheers to 2012 and here's hoping I see you on the other side.
This is John signing off.....