Monday, April 26, 2010

Pet peeves...

  1. Guys that sit on the weight machines with no intention of actually working out but will say "I'm using it.."
  2. People that throw trash on the ground, less than 10 feet from a trash can.
  3. People talking on their cell while driving, slowing down well below the speed limit but just fast enough to make the light before it turns red for me...
  4. People that still write checks at the grocery store... (REALLY, have you NOT heard of an ATM card?)
  5. .... and they do that in the "Express Lane".
  6. Drunk women who yell "WoooHoooo!" (and some sober women)
  7. Fat guys with flabby arms that have arm band tattoos
  8. Women with bleeched blonde hair, big fake boobs, see also #6, spending all their time in bars, complaining about how they can't find a nice guy.  You fish in a cesspool, you'll land a turd. 
  9. People that don't bathe before getting on a long plane flight.
  10. Guys that urinate all over a urinal.  How can you miss?
  11. People that leave the toilet seat napkin on the toilet.  Are you so grossed out by your own ass you can't push the sheet into the toilet?
  12. Finding a NEARLY empty container of juice, milk, cream cheese, butter, etc. in the frig. 
  13. Dirty dishes left in the sink, right next to the completely empty dishwasher. 
  14. Cyclists that think they own the road and make no effort to stay within the bike lane. 
  15. Runners that insist on running on the road, NEXT to a frickin' sidewalk.  How do you people manage to live so long?
  16. You IM someone and as you wait for their response, they eventually change their status to "Away".
  17. People that arrange meetings for Friday afternoon.
  18. People that insist on taking their 12 kids (at least two are screaming hysterically) to Costco to go shopping.  We all know you're just going their to feed them all those free samples. 
  19. Obnoxious Americans that travel abroad.  Hey, Europe doesn't need us like they use to so they aren't all that glad to see us.
  20. Getting emails that try to guilt me into forwarding to every person I know otherwise I'm not an American, not a Christian, or I'm just plain insensitve to suffering children. 
That's it for now.....

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