When I step out side and feel the heat and smell the smoke, I can't help but think of the Ohio Players and the song "Fire". Wow, what's with the heat? This was one of the reasons we left California. All I need are a few shakers and some angry drivers and I'll feel like I'm right back in the OC.

Poor dogs, even the heat is getting to them. Sophie, who's usually a bit stir crazy after a day of pacing around the house, was out on the side deck reclining in one of our lounge chairs sipping lemonade (or at least I think it was lemonade - vodka bottle seems a little light). I look at her and say, "What the f--k?" She glances up at me and in her best southern belle accent says, "Honey, be a dear and freshen this up for me, would ya please?" Roscoe, who's usually so wired tight he can actually create a black hole, is lying around like he's been blazin' up some righteous weed. I swear I thought I heard him say, "Ya, man." Belle, she just crawls under the bed with some of Julie's finest underwear and won't come out unless someone yells, "Who wants a treat?!" She really is dumb.
The forecast is calling for a few straight days of 100 degrees or more. It'll be in the mid to upper 90s through the weekend. The extended forecast doesn't call for temps in the 80s until the 3rd of July with NO rain predicted at any time. Hey, I can deal with the heat like most everyone else. The thing that really gets me are all those fireman struggling to put out what seems to be a new fire every day. I know what it's like to run around in shorts and a t-shirt in crazy hot weather but imagining what these men and women have to go through, what they have to wear, at altitude, for hours on end.... they really are heroes. I just pray that some relief comes soon.
Maybe if we all went outside and started washing our cars that might do the trick...
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